» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Nedbank - Acc debited 6days before debit date | #214260

Acc debited 6days before debit date

I agreed to debit date-26 monthly, but Nedbank took my money on 21st. The money was withheld since 20th. The money I need for rent, I'l be kicked out if I don't pay. I spoke to 4 different consultant of which one was helpful but couldn't reverse the debit himself. I then spoke to collections again after being sent around. The last consultant was again unhelpful but gave it over to the accounts manager who was rude to me and refused to help. He said they can take my money at any time when the need arises regardless if I need that money. He said I can lodge complaint against him as well as refer to recorded call. I need my money back urgently. I need it for rent otherwise I am on the street.


Company: Nedbank

Country: South Africa   City: Uitenhage

Category: Business & Finance


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