» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Outsurance - Excellent customer service | #213461

Excellent customer service

I went shopping in June after work and when I got back to my car I noticed somebody has bumped into my car and left, the car gaurd was nowhere to be seen and nobody saw anything, I phoned Outsurance to launch a claim, the consultant advised me they will phone me back wihtin the hour. This is the first time something like this happened to me and the consultant at outsurance was very profesional and guided me through the whole process. they made my claim so easy and convienient at the time that I needed the assistance from my insurance company, they did all the arrangements for me. I will gladly recomend Outsurance to any one, as they realy look after their clients and their needs.


Company: Outsurance

Country: South Africa   City: Claims Department

Category: Business & Finance


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