I have an Education plan with Old Mutual (ID number: 8711160938084) and I have received documents confirming the plan to my disappointment my son's name is spelt incorrectly. Its Emile instead of EMIHLE and when I called their call centre (spoke to Bonga) to fix this I was told to visit the branch again to submit documents again. I feel this is VERY unfair why should I go into the branch to fix Old Mutual's mistake when I'm not at fault I handed in all required documents, I played my part. So whoever captured that form should fix this as they got paid for this not so great service. I would like to be contacted on 0737608493 within 24hours and have this matter corrected without me visiting any branch. Old Mutual has the documents with the correct name (birth certificate). I AM NOT GOING TO FIX OLD MUTUAL'S MISTAKE, OR ELSE I'M CANCELLING THIS PLAN AND GOING TO A COMPANY WHERE THE STAFF CAN CORRECTLY TYPE IN CUSTOMER'S DETAILS.