» Traveling & Tourism » Complaint / review: Translux/City To City - Luggage and refund | #214587

Translux/City To City
Luggage and refund

Bought two tickets from JHB to EL on Friday 20th September. Bus wa departing at 18H00 and got at the station at 17:00 pm. Ihad a laggage of 100 engine and told the assistance there that the luggage i think it sould be weight and he said we'll sort that when the bus arrives. Asked another one and said the same thing. The bus came in verry late at arroung 18:30. The luggage guys assisted us and loaded it oin the trolley and said to us that we must pay R500 for the goods. I was so suprised and asked for it to be scaled as i did not think it would go that far. One guy came through and said we must pay R500 or else we are not taking the luggage with us. They refused to put it on the scale and when we asked for the policy that said this costs this much and the guty said he is the policy and we must go and ask for a refund and take our money alse where. He sweared that we are not getting to the bus and the tickets were already taken their other parts, We were left there without some to assist us. The bus left and they told us inside that there is no refund. We had to make arrangements for another transport and i called the customer service. I am so hurt with the service and broke.


Company: Translux/City To City

Country: South Africa   City: Johannesburg

Category: Traveling & Tourism


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