» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: 8ta / Telkom Mobile - Into 6th week with little or no internet!!! | #214763

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Into 6th week with little or no internet!!!

I bought 8.ta's highest wifi internet service, the 60GB by 60GB. I am now into my 6th week with little of no internet.
8.ta initially said it was my modem, they took it away, it took 3 weeks for it to be returned as they were waiting for parts, although it was only when I threatened to write up my experience on Hello Peter that I got my modem back.
It still didn't work so on the 6th Sep they sent a Technician around who confirmed that a) the signal was bad in our area (although on their website it shows top signal) and that I would probably need a booster and b) that the modem is so weak, reaching 5 feet when it should reach 100m (indeed I cannot have more than one device linked into the wifi otherwise it all stops.
I have constantly phoned them with them promising to call me back with in 24hrs (they never did). They keep on telling me it takes 72 hours for problems to be solved - this is now 6 weeks and counting.
I insisted on speaking to Managers (I have their names), all of whom promised to give me updates within 24 hours - but no calls!). I then finally insisted on being put through to a senior manager, I was assured that they would call me - they didn't.
What more can I do?


Company: 8ta / Telkom Mobile

Country: South Africa   City: Gauteng

Category: Telecommunications


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