» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Mtn - Why was I debited twice??? | #214650

Why was I debited twice???

I have a contract with MTN and i called in on the 2nd of August 2013 to change my debit order details and the date, i spoke to Thato who told me that "because of your billing cycle you debit order will start on the 20th of September". But the debit order went off on the 2nd of September for R540.23 and AGAIN on the 20th of September for R449.00. I called in the same time i got the SMS and i was told to call in the following day to get the R449 reversed and i was given the ref number: 104322698. I called and spoke to Sphe who was willing to assist but the amount was not yet cleared and he asked me politely to call either on 23 or 24. i called in today (23) and spoke to Amanda who did not even bother to listen to me, i even gave her the ref number but she kept on saying i was not debited twice, the debit that went off on the 2nd on Sept was for JULY!!! which Puzzles me more. i mean july and septemeber are far aprt from each other. she kept on saying that the other agents did not understand me clearly. how can two agents and the supervisor not understand me clearly? Sphe confirmed with his supervisor that the 2nd debit order will be reversed. can i get this sorted out.


Company: Mtn

Country: South Africa   City: MOUNT EDGECOMBE

Category: Telecommunications


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