» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Mtn - Prepaid line suspended for nothing | #214407

Prepaid line suspended for nothing

Its with the most total frustrations I post this complaint. On the 21/09/2013 I received a call from 08300 and the consultant I spoke to requested my personal data and I refused since he couldn't verify himself. He claimed to be calling from MTN. few minutes after I attempted an outgoing call but the response was the line is suspended. I was instructed to call 173. I got through to a very rude and sarcastic agent who couldn't explain to me why was my line suspended and who did it. The mighty Victor Gumede referred all my questions to his TL EVERSON NCGOBO who was too busy to speak to me . clearly his agent can't handle the call and he keeps running to him every second I pose a question. Service indeed. With the highest rate of cellphone I feel that MTN owes a big apology as I'm intending to escalate this matter to ICASA. I use my cell number for Cellphone banking, family matters which could lead to my family being hurt by the cruelty of this world if my phone were to end up in the wrong hands . yet the Victor guy fails to apologize if it was an error. So I will ask ICASA to investigate MTN for since many people had sim swaps done without their consent by MTN.


Company: Mtn

Country: South Africa   City: Call centre

Category: Telecommunications


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