I have just got contract phone for 1 afternoon, I discovered at home there is factory fault with phone, the microphone was not working at all. And can't hear anything when I am phoning. I sent back to the store and there were promise me at beginning it take 5-7 days to get a new phone if I have got phone within the 7 days. I been wait for 2 weeks, they sent the phone back to say there is NO problem at all!!! I toke the phone and check the phone was still not working and they haven't even fix that at all! During the service time, I called call centre, no one is helping me and give me an answer. I have been delay my business trip just because of this, and my SIM card was not been use because of no phone, but Cell C still charge for my fees!!!
I would like cell c give me an answer in 3 days, otherwise I will sue cell c.
This is so ridiculous, I have been with other cellphone network was never had after care problem, just Cell C is BAD.