» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Impala Hotel - Ooking for two night at Impala | #214891

Impala Hotel
Ooking for two night at Impala

I am very upset after ive spoken to guy called Johan on friday to ckeck if they have booking for date 14&15 decemeber, he confirm to me that the is day for us on those days, he even took my details like name and email address to send me banking details, iwaited for banking details until called to find if he got my correct information and confirm to the guy i got to also confirm my email eddress. I even called again for about two times trying to get hold of him but he called me to tell me that he will send the details the soonest but when i call today to ask if he can give me as i havent got an email, i got a very rude lady by the name of denise she told me that its full booked and Johan is on leave i told her the story but hse told me the nothing she can do and transfer to someone else without a reason. I need them to book for us as its their fault not send the details


Company: Impala Hotel

Country: South Africa   City: Durban

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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