» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Mr Price Home - BAD service | #214448

Mr Price Home
BAD service

In Feb this year, I applied for an account at Mr Price Home and my account was approved.
I was however not informed of this and in March I inquiered at the Mall @ Reds branch regarding this. As I was told I was approved and would receive my card soon. This NEVER happened.
In August I inquiered again and I was told that I had to fill in an application again, yet they could still see my account with availible credit on the system.
This weekend (September I went to another branch (lifestyle centre) hoping that the level of compatency would have changed, just to hear tha even though they can see my account and it has been approved, I cannot just get my account card, I have to reapply for an account.

I don't know who is responsible for this, but I think this is truly rediculous and horrible service from their side! If everything is on the system and has already been approved, why must I reapply and wait for another how many months??? I am disgusted that this is how accounts are handles I have never had any problems else where!!!

Surely there must have been other ways


Company: Mr Price Home

Country: South Africa   City: Mall@reds & lifestyle ce

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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