» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Forma Viva - Inferior quality product - Bad attitude | #214248

Forma Viva
Inferior quality product - Bad attitude

I bought a wedding ring in April 2013. Not long after one of the diamonds fell out so we took it back to Forma Viva in Menlyn. They said the repair would take 6 weeks to fix as it must be sent to there CT branch. 8 to 10 weeks later after I had to phone in I was told the ring was ready for collection. When I got to the store to look at the ring I noticed that one diamond was smaller and one was dull and cracked. The lady then said she will get it fixed and it would not take long. Today the 21 Sept 13 I went to the store to demand a refund as the ring is still in CT getting fixed the second time. I was confronted by the mngr who was very rude and had a bad attitude. She would not let me talk but instead spoke over me. When I let her know that I am the customer and the customer comes first, she went off about her rights and she wont be spoken to by anybody like this. They did agree to replace the ring however who wants another ring from a place you cant trust as hey refused to give me a diamond certificate, so how do I know its even real. I will definitely be taking this matter to the NCA as this is unacceptable. I suggest for your own ease of mind you stay far far away from them.


Company: Forma Viva

Country: South Africa   City: Menlyn - Pretoria

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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