» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Foschini - Account Paid in full but 2months later amount due | #214179

Account Paid in full but 2months later amount due

I paid my account in full after finding out it was handed over to collection agency. Agency sent to no banking details to me even after telling them my cellphone number has been changed. So I paid it at Foschini @Home
and I spoke to one the collection agents Vusi on the 24th of July and she said just fax through the proof and we can update it and there nothing more and now I find out there an amount outstanding from Foschini and they say I must speak to collection agency, which I did and the say I must just pay and that I had to pay them directly and not Foschini and if that the case why did Foschini take my money and are unwilling to help resolve this matter and now I must wait until collection agency does an investigation. Since the account doesn't belong to Foschini how can Foschini take my money and now I must fight with collection agency and get a letter from them to update my details at Foschini.


Company: Foschini

Country: South Africa   City: Gauteng

Category: Shops, Products, Services

1 comment

September 21, 2022 04:30 PM
Paid up in full now when applying for a loan foschin account in arrears
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