» Miscellaneous » Complaint / review: Afripark - Shambles in Parking Lot | #215286

Shambles in Parking Lot

I am extremely upset and disappointed in your services in Milpark.

I exited the gym at 6:10 pm and my car along with 3 other cars had been blocked in by some inconsiderate person and this could have been avoided if the security guard had been present.

Finally the man arrived 20 - 25 minutes later after being found at the gym and by that time my parking ticket had expired. I made my way to the exit and my ticket had been rejected. I then proceeded to the office where the lady was extremely unhelpful and unprofessional. She refused to open for me and after I insisted she called her manager (Lydia) who said that I should pay for my ticket again and then stopped answering her phone. I refused to pay for my ticket as I feel it is absolute garbage. Eventually she was given permission to open for me 20 minutes later after messing me around.

I think this whole situation was a shambles and is a true reflection of bad service and people not giving a. I am disgusted by Afripark and their manner of dealing with the whole situation.


Company: Afripark

Country: South Africa   City: Milpark

Category: Miscellaneous


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