» Health & Medicine » Complaint / review: Discovery Health - Reel poor service | #214956

Discovery Health
Reel poor service

At the end of August 2013 i was admitted to koof hospital for an emergency hernia op when i arrived at the hospital the surgeon was waiting for me in theater discovery then had issues and sent my claim to their standards dept i was told it would take 6 to 7 working day to sort out the problem so i payed to be admitted to hospital so the surgery could take place it is now the 23 of September and my claim has still not been finalized when i phoned discovery they told me that it is my duty to make sure they revive all the necessary documentation from my Dr so almost a month later and i am still sitting without any clarity and the surgeon and anesthesiologist are starting to send me bills. Looks like discovery is just like any other insurer in our country when they client has to pay all is well and guard your sole should you debit order return, but when they need to deliver a service they just shrug their shoulders and say it is not our responsibility to get the info needed from your Dr. Luckily i had the funds available to have myself admitted what i did not have the R18000.00 available i would still be waiting for my emergency surgery


Company: Discovery Health

Country: South Africa   City: Pretoria

Category: Health & Medicine


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