» Cafes, Bars, Restaurants » Complaint / review: Mike s Kitchen - Health Hazard | #213985

Mike's Kitchen
Health Hazard

On Sunday the 15th of September 2013, i had breakfast at Mike's Kitchen at
the Northgate mall. Unfortunately the table i sat at had Chewing gum underneath, which resulted
in my skirt getting ruined because the chewing had stuck onto my skirt.
i am not
satisfied with CHEWING GUM IN A RESTAURANT, it raises questions about their
hygiene standards, having checked under the table i sat at there was more
chewing gum there even dry gum. This clearly tells you they never check for
chewing gum or any other potential hazards that could be there. It's
unfortunate that i was left with a skirt with somebody else's spit on it,
from a restaurant a place that we take for granted to be very clean.

I would like the restaurant to be inspected for more health hazards, and
would like for this incident to not occur again to another customer at
Mike's under any circumstances. If they are going to be a food outlet they
should go the extra mile and ensure health and safety at the restaurant.


Company: Mike's Kitchen

Country: South Africa   City: Northgate Mall

Category: Cafes, Bars, Restaurants


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