» Cafes, Bars, Restaurants » Complaint / review: Cafe Grenadine - Worst ever customer service and that by the owner! | #213956

Cafe Grenadine
Worst ever customer service and that by the owner!

My wife was walking past Cafe Grenadine. Being a regular customer she popped in to quickly use the restroom. The one waiter then said no problem you are welcome, the next moment the owner came around the corner, with the worst attitude ever, he tells her that she is not allowed to use the bathroom seeing that she is not currently dining at the caf? She then told him that that she comes their often but after that she will never come near the cafe again and also make sure everyone she knows will hear about his bad attitude. Truly a bad way to run a bussines.


Company: Cafe Grenadine

Country: South Africa   City: Lynnwood

Category: Cafes, Bars, Restaurants


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