» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Discovery Insure - Reporting accidental damage to cell phone | #215238

Discovery Insure
Reporting accidental damage to cell phone

I accidentally dropped my cell phone a few days ago and reported the incident to Discovery Insure, Claims Dept. to submit a claim in terms of my "all Risk" insurance.
I sent an email to Lerato with the quotation from the repair shop (on 20th Sept 2013) and enquired from her by telephone on 23rd Sept 2013 (3 days later). She confirmed that the claim had been approved and I received an email of confirmation a few minutes later.
I was impressed with her friendly and efficient service. Thank you,
Alec Lambert


Company: Discovery Insure

Country: South Africa   City: Claims. . . Ms. Lerato Moloi

Category: Business & Finance


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