» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Hollard Insurance - Account debited for 8 years in erro | #215013

Hollard Insurance
Account debited for 8 years in erro

In 2004 I bought a house and took life insurance attached to the bond through Hollard. In November 2005 we sold the house and settled the bond but the bank never let Hollard know and so the premium of approximately R90.00 a month has been coming off my account ever since. I didn't know that this was the case as I had another product through Hollard being debited off my account at the same time.

About 2 weeks ago I realised that this was an error and contacted Hollard. I was told to get the letter from the bank which I did and sent it to them. I was then advised that I would be refunded for 3 of 8 years??? I asked to see the original documents that I signed in 2004, still waiting for those. I also made it very clear that I do not accept the 3 year refund only to have the money paid into my account on Saturday as if to shut me up?!?

I want what is rightfully mine. Hollard will not be out of pocket as that money should never have been paid into their account in the first place!!! It was an error and the professional, ethical thing to do would be to be to admit that I pay me back the money that is mine.

My maiden surname is Fowler which the name the policy was taken under.


Company: Hollard Insurance

Country: South Africa   City: Head Office

Category: Business & Finance


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