» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Absa - Bad Customer service | #214206

Bad Customer service

I went to the branch to unblock my card, after standing in a long que Johanna who assisted me was very rude and couldnt provide me with proper information, I told her my surname has changed as I am now married and she shooked her head which I found very disrepectful, she then told me I have to bring a proof of residence for my new surname, as I was trying to explain that its a new surname therefor I do not have any letters posted to me with that surname she said "USE YOUR COMMON SENCE for u to update your details I need proof of residence". I did not go there to up date my details I went to unblock my card and my details havent changed.she gave me back the documents and I went to the next consultant Vannesa I explained my situation and she explained that I have to put money in my savings account for it to be active again, she then gave me a form to fill in and take it to the neererest police station for it to be stamped.i told her what happened with the previous consultant and she appologised on her behalf she spoke to Johanna who didnt even bother to apologize for her behaviour.


Company: Absa

Country: South Africa   City: Carlton Centre

Category: Business & Finance


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