» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Vodacom - No phone but being debited | #214957

No phone but being debited

I had an issue as per my previous compliant and it was suposedly resloved. I was assured by the call centre agent that the account has been cancelled and I would not be debited for the contract i took out and then cancelled. I then find out that I was debited for the last three months for a phone I do not have, and I been given airtime on the number I ported. I call customer service and reported this issue, i was told I will be called in 48 hours, which never happened, I received an sms with NO referance number. I called the call centre this morning only to be transferred from department to department explaining the whole issue over and over. I have recived the worse service from vodacom and from on I will be moving to a new network as I have both my phones on vodacom and a ipad.


Company: Vodacom

Country: South Africa   City: Call centre

Category: Telecommunications


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