Mweb doesn't want to disclose the limits they have on their uncapped accounts!!!
I have been throttled 2 times this month already. Spoke to your technical team leader Byron Phillips. He acknowledged that you will throttle users once they hit 70Gb usage a month. I asked him where this is disclosed as I read your fair use policy and its not in their or in y uncapped product contract. He made it very clear that MWEB would not release this info to their customers. The conversation I had with him is recorded.
How do you except users to manage their accounts/ or pick a product if your hiding stuff like this. I would have cancelled my account had this been in the initial mail send in August.
So what can you do?
1 - unthrottle my account
2- provide me with all the limits you are imposing on uncapped accounts so we can decide if we need to cancel our services with MWEB.
PS I we have been a loyal customer for 8 years, but it seems this doesnt matter anymore