» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Cell C - So they deliver my phone but I can t use it | #214181

Cell C
So they deliver my phone but I can't use it

The day after I posted my initial complain Cell C phoned me, and although it took another 4 or 5 days my phone was delivered. But not activated. So today I went through to a Cell C branch at The Mall of Reds to try and get them to activate it. They phoned the Call Centre. What a rude bunch at the Call Centre. The lady who was very helpful and apologetic was told that "the phone will only be activated on the 28th". REALLY?? Vodacom would have activated it within 48 hours. I still have to wait a week! WHY??? SO my sons gets his new phone but can't use it for another week. NICE ONE CELL C. Why on earth would you employ people to run your call centre if they only have an IQ of 12???
And your policies on upgrades. What did you do? Sit around one weekend and say "What can Cell C do to make all our customers lives a living??? " Is that when you came up with that idea?
I am totally disgusted. I have had this account for almost 9 years now - and I am wondering why I kept it for so long.


Company: Cell C

Country: South Africa   City: Head office

Category: Telecommunications


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