On the 15th of September my service with MWEB went from cool to, I have logged a complaint before and got the standard response Blaa Blaa your problem as been addressed according to their standard message once you have been unable to obtain a acceptable answer to your problem. I am unable to conduct my business due to the absolute non existence of service. Their policy implied (UNCAPPED NOT) basically allows MWEB the right give you the bandwidth that they desire at their own whim. I am still waiting for this mythical figure of usage that nobody at MWEB can tell me of how I have abused the system. So in other words F you. I anticipate you will call me where I will have a discussion with a consultant who knows Policy-Da-Da and nothing gets resolved other than by we MWEB by the nature of phoning you consider this problem resolved. At the end of the day I am being THROTTLED to the extent that I could go out learn Swaheli, have my break drums re-ground, anticipate the coming of and become a Sociologist. UNCAPPED means UNCAPPED