» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Mr Price Home - Rude and pass the buck | #214798

Mr Price Home
Rude and pass the buck

I was in the store on Saturday morning to credit a blind and take a different one. I stood in the queue for over 5 minutes, only two tellers working, everyone just standing around. Finally get assisted, only to be told they can't credit as they are offline. The supervisor was rude and told me to drive to clear water for a credit. So i should pay for parking. When i asked for a manager, it took another 10 minutes for her to arrive with 5 pages to get her there. Same attitude. No apology to the customers standing in the queues and being told they offline. Well i raised my voice made it very clear what i thought and suddenly they were back online. When i asked for my receipt for credit i was given teh incorrect receipt and had to go back into the store to complain. The attitude when i said i would complain was disgusting. Service has really dropped and i can assure you my account will be paid and i will do you the favour of not shopping at your store further.


Company: Mr Price Home

Country: South Africa   City: Wilgeuwel

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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