» Health & Medicine » Complaint / review: Ourhouse888 - No deposit return!!! | #214232

No deposit return!!!

I have been waiting for over FIVE MONTHS since I stayed at Ourhouse888 in Carl Street, Cape Town. I still haven't received my DEPOSIT back from Marvin Royston. I emailed him a lot. At first he
made excuses all the time. After THREE MONTHS he started to affront ME (with words like '') although I'm the person who is right and is waiting for the money for so long. I still write him emails but I get no answers anymore.
This is a disappointing behaviour and Marvin Royston is a defrauder. All my five roommate are still waiting for their deposits. So I am not the only one who is waiting for money.


Company: Ourhouse888

Country: South Africa   City: Cape Town

Category: Health & Medicine


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