» Education & Science » Complaint / review: Unisa - Good offer, but how long must I wait for it??? | #214677

Good offer, but how long must I wait for it???

UNISA and Cell C has the offers for laptops and 3G. I have received my laptop already. I've paid for the 3g deal, got the sim card. I sent Cell C notification and they've replied saying that they are awaiting payment confirmation from UNISA. I've paid on the 12th Spetember already and still nothing??? I even emailed the finance queries dept at UNISA but they havent even responded. So much for great offers, when you cant even deliver timeously. Now I have a laptop with no 3G. So much for that helping, when it comes to submitting assignments ONLINE!


Company: Unisa

Country: South Africa   City: Johannesburg

Category: Education & Science


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