» Construction & Repair » Complaint / review: Aaa Plumbing And Electrical - Horrible Reception | #220916

Aaa Plumbing And Electrical
Horrible Reception

AAA Plumbing and Electrical, P.O. Box 32107, Braamfontein, 2017, V.A.T Reg Number 4880207487. I had an electrical problem one Friday night and made the mistake of calling AAA Plumbing and Electrical. Granted, they were there speedily and although they charged me an ASTRONOMICAL R5697.72 for what seemed like quite a simple job, I paid it and moved on with their assurance that their "Customer Care" department would send me a detailed damage report, which I would then be able to submit to my insurance company to claim my money back from home owner's insurance.
7 working days and 5 phone calls later I have yet to receive this report. The worst is that their receptionists refuse to put me through directly to their so-called "Customer Care" department and instead insist that someone will phone me back. The last call i made to them, when I was clearly agitated (but far from rude), was met with the one receptionist shouting "this is how I do my job" and slamming the phone down in my ear. They refuse to give me the owner's contact details and I feel like I will NEVER get this report. In this day and age to behave in such a manner will surely have a catastrophic impact on their business


Company: Aaa Plumbing And Electrical

Country: South Africa   City: Braamfontein

Category: Construction & Repair


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