» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: Mccarthy - Unserviceable doo | #214022

Unserviceable doo

I took my car for a service today 20/09/2013. I asked them to check my central locking because the passenger door sometimes does not want to lock. When I fetched the car later, passenger door was fixed and the drivers door could not open. On the job sheet they wrote that something was broken in the drivers door. The drivers door had no problem when I went there, it was the passengers door. I was told to buy the part and I must pay for the labour when the part arrives. I'm not happy and I don't understand how the drivers door got broken. I asked them to check the passengers door. Now they put some wire into my door just so it could open.


Company: Mccarthy

Country: South Africa   City: Pretoria acardia

Category: Cars & Transport


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