» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - No feedback or response to upliftment of security | #215098

First National Bank
No feedback or response to upliftment of security

I had an overdraft facility with FNB on which my residential property was used as security. This overdraft facility was cancelled as FNB's fees was to high and I didn't use the facility anymore.

Now I am struggle to get FNB to release the bond over the property - IF I get any feedback, its a lot of nonsense ie - the security department is very busy, the security department moved offices, the security department now has a backlog.

This is not my problem, and very unprofessional from a corporate institution - "How can we help" It has been more that 3 weeks, since the overdraft was cancelled, and FNB is still not able to tell us who the attorney is that will handle the cancellation.

Not sure if its just the Mosselbaai branch or a certain division, but something is not working. Emails to Wilna janse van Rensburg is also just being ignored. Do I have to go the legal route to get this sorted, or is their another way in dealing with this?


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: Mosselbaai

Category: Business & Finance


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