» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Virgin Insurance - Bad service-cancel the contract | #215072

Virgin Insurance
Bad service-cancel the contract

I have cancelled my contract 5 months back as the premium was high for me and in June 2013 one of the consulted from call center contacted me to re-instate my contract and they did another quote as i have put a tracker on the car but it came to R 1100 a R 20.00 difference from what it was before, and i told them that i wont take it as its still high, so the consulted told me that the manager will call me back to speak me but never got any call the manager but to my surprise a debit order on July went through and i called again and got a different told consulted and it was the same thing that manager will call back, still nothing and August debit order went trough and i see that September will go through too, and still manager hasn't contacted me. can someone with authority cancel my contract and refund my money as i didn't agree to the premium instead i have being getting false promise and being roped of my consumer rights. what kind of services is this.
(Supplier name changed from Virgin Money South Africa to Virgin Insurance by


Company: Virgin Insurance

Country: South Africa   City: Guateng

Category: Business & Finance


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