» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - Can my account be moved from the Claremont branch | #214484

First National Bank
Can my account be moved from the Claremont branch

Dear Manager / Director of FNB Claremont,

I want my account be moved from Claremont branch.
I have been recently disappointed by the Claremont branch that I just can't begin to write here.
It even got to the point that I was asked to send a copy of my ID??? Why??? Crazy branch.

I have been to other FNB branches and I have never received this type of service.
I want a detail of my account send to me. I was told by my agent that the Manager went ahead and wrote in my Account at FNB that I am not a good customer and no FNB facilities should be granted to me because I expressed disappointment. I wish to speak to a regional manager of FNB and to understand what is going on there. This is right over my head and I am just trying to get my head around this. I equally want a clearance certificate from FNB stating that I don't have any commitment with them and they have cleared any amounts I owe.

I will send a second mail should this mail not be responded favorably. I am trying to be polite and understanding at this stage hoping that the FNB I used to know has not changed.

Kind regards


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: Claremont

Category: Business & Finance


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