» Traveling & Tourism » Complaint / review: Flight Centre - Wrong bookings | #220827

Flight Centre
Wrong bookings

Flight Centre Northgate have made mistakes on our companies bookings 3 times in a row. The last time we were not impressed with their feedback as we have send 3 different emails to Zethu Twala requesting information on the wrong booking but she does not even reply back. They are just ignoring our emails for their mistakes. We had to pay for all mistakes and they can not even recognise their own mistakes. I have send out an email to them saying that we will no longer book any more flights with them. This is not acceptable and we are always responsible for our own mistakes. We can not see how this can go with out being noticed and a proper explanation to be given to us. Not one of the documents were signed as supposed to and they should be responsible for the mistakes and cover the cost.


Company: Flight Centre

Country: South Africa   City: Nothgate

Category: Traveling & Tourism


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