» Telecommunications » Complaint / review: Cell C - No incentive to remain with CellC? | #214268

Cell C
No incentive to remain with CellC?

I have been due for an upgrade for a few months and have decided to go ahead. I went to the Sandton store to see whats on offer. After checking my details the service person informed me I have an 'upgrade' value of R1500 and am eligible for any deal in the catalog. Sounds good, I thought. Something special perhaps? No. The same deal as everyone else gets. New or upgrading. And he mentioned an upgrade fee of R150. Seriously? For someone ticking a digital form?

What happened to some loyalty rewards or upgrade specials like in the past? Why mention a value of R1500 if it means nothing. The term upgrade indicates I get something better than I have currently. If this is not the case I may publicly complain about the usage of the term as advertising. If i indeed have this amount due to me then I should get it in cash, services, or discount.

It seems all large companies are concerned only with numbers and the bottom line. What happens when everyone has a cellphone? I transferred to Cell C to support the underdog and create equal enterprise and prevent over-bloated, giant, greedy companies from dominating the market.

So make me an offer or lose me forever...


Company: Cell C

Country: South Africa   City: Sandton

Category: Telecommunications


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