» Sports » Complaint / review: Virgin Active South Africa - Too hot | #213348

Virgin Active South Africa
Too hot

In Virgin Active Sandton 100 pieces of cardio equipment sit on the edge of the swimming pool and since the swimming pool is set at 27'C it makes the area humid. I have told Kervin that he needs to turn the aircon onto a lower temperature to combat this and he said, its an industry standard and isnt going to change. This morning a woman next to me on the treadmills said and I quote 'the management of this gym are uneducated' She said its too hot here. I saw a friend the other day who said its like running in Durban. Isnt the point of custmer service to listen to your audience and give them what they want. I want them to take a thermometer and measure the temperature of the air in the cardio area which you will see is close to 27'C and then adjust the aircon to lower so that is brings the overall temperature in this area down. No other gym is built with the cardio equipment right on the border of the pool. There is a fence aroudn the pool and all the cardio equipment touches that fence. Kervin is very rude and doesn't know how to talk to customers. He said to me that they are not going to move the pool. Don't you think I know that? I have a BSc and did physics I am more educated.


Company: Virgin Active South Africa

Country: South Africa   City: Sandton

Category: Sports


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