» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Sterns - Disappointing Re-sizing | #220739

Disappointing Re-sizing

I sent my engagement ring in for re-sizing (smaller size) and I am very unsatisfied with how I received it back!! My fiance? bought my a ring of the Forever collection and after re-sizing they gave it back with the engrave inside not completed - the 'e" is half and the "r" is gone!! Also the diamond in the "o" is not even there!!! I now have a ring with a hole inside!! This is completely unacceptable! The lady at the shop made a note on my receipt to fix engraving when we put the wedding bands on but nothing about my missing diamond!

I am awaiting an explanation for this and i want the diamond back or a refund to get something else somewhere else!!


Company: Sterns

Country: South Africa   City: The Glen

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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