» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Woolworths - Exclusive client service | #219316

Exclusive client service

On the 22nd of September 2013 I visited the Woolworths westgate branch and the staff member who was mending the fitting area was Ms Jabulile Ntshangase, whom was so professional and exude great attitude even before she got to assist me.

What was most pleasing to see was the attention and exclusivity that she gave her clients and what impressed me the most about her was the art of servicing the client that any boss would boast about, she owned the client, when the question was posed on her about any clothing item she could tell you though they might be from different departments where she was not based at and when she was unsure she would rather make enquiries on behalf of the client, where others would rather refer you to others to make enquiries yourself which is very irritating at times as it could unnecessarily prolong servicing time.

Thank you so very much, you are indeed a shining star and you have demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that you understand the ethos of what your Organisation stands for, hence it is the best in service amongst its peers, keep up the great work, will definitely encourage my friends to come and shop at your store, thank you..


Company: Woolworths

Country: South Africa   City: WESTGATE

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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