» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Pick n Pay - Promotional Goods - Out of Stock | #213779

Pick 'n Pay
Promotional Goods - Out of Stock

I saw the Castle Lager advert where you buy a tray of beer and then you get the Castle Braai Marinade for free being advertised in the newspapers and I went the morning to Pick and Pay Maitland to purchase it? The first time the lady said that they don't have stock of the marinade they are awaiting stock I must come the afternoon. I went now (afternoon) and they STILL DON'T HAVE STOCK OF THE CASTLE BRAAI MARINADE . This store never has the promotional goods advertised in the media. And theyalcohol have no price labels on them in the fridges. I had to drive to P & P Observatory to make my purchase (their store was well promoted with the Castle Brand and they had sufficient stock. Also I noticed a sign in the Maitland liquor store looking for staff - surely should not be a reason why they cannot do the proper marketing for the various brands. Also their is a long weekend coming up (National Braai Day), and alot of people would like to make use of the specials that Pick and Pay promotes. Pick and Pay Maitand - you need a wake up call - this is not on - your customers is going elsewhere to do their shopping! Disgusted


Company: Pick 'n Pay

Country: South Africa   City: Maitland

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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