» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Woolworths - Piece of plastic (fake nail?) found in cookies | #213598

Piece of plastic (fake nail?) found in cookies

I just discovered a piece of plastic in a choc dipped finger shortbread cookie that I bought at the Victory Park branch of Woolworths. I almost swallowed it! The piece of plastic is shaped like a tip of a fake nail. Good gosh, I really hope I didn't just have someone's false nail in my mouth...

I still have the piece of plastic and the pack of cookies in case they would like evidence. Doubt it though; I once found a bunch of worms in grapes that I bought from Woolworths and they never even took the time to respond to my complaint.

I'm really disgusted. I actually don't even want to think about it anymore - so nauseas. What a disgrace from a company that "prides" themselves on their quality...


Company: Woolworths

Country: South Africa   City: Victory Park

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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