» Health & Medicine » Complaint / review: Momentum Health - Momentum will not help me | #214420

Momentum Health
Momentum will not help me

I wish to upgrade my plan from the Ingwe option to the Custom option. I was not advised prior to signing to the scheme that I could not upgrade should my medical needs change. Additionally, I have been treated incredibly rudely whilst enquiring what my options are.

My current plan was selected at the beginning of the year when I assumed that my basic needs would be covered by a simple plan with basic benefits. I have subsequently been diagnosed with certain conditions that require additional benefits, such as psychiatric care, and as such, need medical coverage that can support me. This is also a fairly urgent requirement, and not something that can wait until 2014. I also cannot utilize state psychiatric care as I have been working with a medical team (paid for out of pocket by myself even though I am a student) and they believe that my health would be greatly undermined by being removed from their care. I am desperate to find a solution that doesn't not leave me high and try with regards to my health.


Company: Momentum Health

Country: South Africa   City: SA

Category: Health & Medicine


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