» Foodstuff » Complaint / review: Bluff Meat Supply - STALE FOOD | #340590

Bluff Meat Supply

On Tuesday I bought cooked mutton from the BMS KINGSBURGH deli, I gave half my 11 year old son and he ate it, then when i was having my share i was so disappointed after finding out that the meet was off, but just covered in sauce. Unfortunately my son had already eaten that meat.

Yesterday I bought the rolls, i made a burger for my son last night and he ate, in the morning he was complaining about tummy ache, and as i was preparing lunch for him i noticed that the rolls had mold on it. I will attach a photo, of rolls unfortunately i cant find my receipt for the meat that i bought on Monday.

Photo #1. Complaint-review: Bluff Meat Supply - STALE FOOD. 

Company: Bluff Meat Supply

Country: South Africa   Region: Kwa Zulu Natal   City: Kingsburgh   Postal Code: 4126
Address: 16 Winklespruit Road Kingsburgh 4126
Phone: 0319164837

Category: Foodstuff


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