» Electronics and household app. » Complaint / review: Phillips South Africa - So the disgracefull service continues | #214406

Phillips South Africa
So the disgracefull service continues

So on from my dilemma with Italian lifestyle Cape town who sell the Saeco part of Phillips. I sent the machine back again this time the boiler had to be replaced, got it back and guess what they laft the screws out of the back of the machine, so when I tried to move it to clean it came apart and now will not work. People listen to me do not buy saeco coffee machines as their service is disgusting. They clearly have no clue as to what they are doing and no one cares when uoi complain. 6 times inmfor reapairs disgusting, Italian Lifestyle you have no clue and should be shut down.


Company: Phillips South Africa

Country: South Africa   City: Italian lifestyle cape town

Category: Electronics and household app.


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