» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: Automobile Association - Poor Service no feedback to complaints | #227567

Automobile Association
Poor Service no feedback to complaints

I ' broke down' on 20/09. I'm a member of the AA - they sent a service technician out who reported that my fuel pump had failed - he then called a tow truck. the car was loaded up onto he flat bed and taken to the garage for repairs. When the car was taken off the flat bed - the driver of the tow truck did not take out the towing hook from my bumper or replace / return the bumper cover to me before driving off. When I realised that he had not - we called the AA to report the problem and ask that the cover to my BMW bumper get returned - despite promises to call back - this never happened - I lodged a complaint direct to the AA in writing last week - needles to say - No response! - I now have a hole in my bumper where the cover has not been replaced and to cap it all my car had just ' run out of petrol! (No broken fuel pump at all)


Company: Automobile Association

Country: South Africa   City: Pretoria

Category: Cars & Transport


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