» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: Union Motors - Very poor service | #213347

Union Motors
Very poor service

Three months ago our jeep was towed into union motors because it would not start. The car remained there for two months while they tried one thing after another to fix it. After two months and R15000 later they declared the problem solved. However driving through to pietermaritzburg where we now live the car lost power and then regained it. There was also a new horrible knock in the steering colume. Once in pietermaritzburg the car
again lost power. This time the power did not return so we had to take it to yet another mechanic to have it fixed again. I am now sitting at union motors to have the knock removed. I have given them until 10 to sort it out and have told them I will not pay for them to sort out this problem. Come on union motors. Your staff are very friendly but certainly the workmanship on our car was not.


Company: Union Motors

Country: South Africa   City: Shelly beach

Category: Cars & Transport


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