» Cafes, Bars, Restaurants » Complaint / review: Java Cafe - Very sick after eating a wrap | #215082

Java Cafe
Very sick after eating a wrap

I have been to Java Cafe more than once but after having lunch there on Sunday I will not be returning. I did phone the restaurant this morning to inform them what happened but too date I have had no feedback. Even if I was offered a free meal I would not take them up on the offer.
I ordered a butternut, lentil and feta wrap and within 40 minutes of leaving the restaurant I was very ill. I think this is totally unacceptable. Eating out is a treat now days and to think you go and eat out and this is what happens? There also appeared to be no Management present except for many waiters and waitresses just milling around and the floor was also dirty where we were sitting!!
Definitely will not be returning there.


Company: Java Cafe

Country: South Africa   City: Umdloti

Category: Cafes, Bars, Restaurants


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