» Cafes, Bars, Restaurants » Complaint / review: Burger King South Africa - Shocking Service | #213796

Burger King South Africa
Shocking Service

Today i went to buy a burger at Burger King, We were left outside in this freezing cold weather for 20 minutes.
I Mean why would you let customers out in the rain???
When we get in it, the cashiers are busy chit chatting and rubbing each others back and it took another 20 minutes to have a burger

isn't this burger king suppose to be a fast food resturant when it takes 40 minutes to have a burger???
finaly i did get my burger when i was going back to the office I saw 3 Burger King staff smoking outside

I've seen in enough will never go back there... Mcdonald is way much bette


Company: Burger King South Africa

Country: South Africa   City: Cape town

Category: Cafes, Bars, Restaurants


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