» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Standard Bank - Why make services seem so easy | #215316

Standard Bank
Why make services seem so easy

Where can I begin? Well they make it seem so easy to get a business loan, but what they forget to advertise is that you need this and that and well basically if you dont comply to our rules we are sorry you are not good enough to get a loan or they tell you to bring in you business plan, yet you dont hear anything even after a year. Hello if any bank for that matter wants to advertise that you can take out a loan please remember to specify exactly what we need to be able to apply. DONT MAKE IT SOUND SO DARN EASY!!!

I cant open a business because I need a partner, which I should get where? I have a job that pays the bare minimal so im not well off to pay a percentage of the loan. South Africans need work but when people like myself would like to create jobs then we get told we are basically not good enough to apply.

Im not saying give a loan to any twit that comes along. Just at least make things as easy as your advertisements make it sound to those that actually have business sense and know what they are talking about. Not everyone can give a percentage and not everyone can find a partner. All I want it to buy an existing business that has a lot of potential.


Company: Standard Bank

Country: South Africa   City: Northern Cape

Category: Business & Finance


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