On Friday the 20th of September I called the call centre on 0860238837, as I was trying to make a payment on the We Run Jozi website and when I put my card details it declined saying "cardholder is not enrolled for authentication" I explained this to the consultant and they put me through to online shopping to which the line cut, and no one bothered to call back. I called the very same number, gave my details and did the security check to which i was out through to someone else and again it cut. I called again and was put through yet again to a different division to which i was placed on hold for more 5 minutes, then i was told that my card was had no chip and hence was not able to make transactions, which was absolutely rubbish because when i purchase goods i only use the chip and I had done online purchases before using my card details. Essentially the consultant came up with zero solution and really didn't know what she was talking about. The line cut again to which no one called back and I bothered not to phone again as my client experience was bad. The call centre was not helpful at all and eventually i had to do an EFT, this is not how businesses should be run!