» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: Nedbank - Debit order dates means nothing | #214089

Debit order dates means nothing

I have a personal loan with Nedbank, my contract states that my debit order date is the 25th of every month.

In August, my debit order happened on the 23 August 2013 because the 25th fell on a Sunday, I received a sms to inform me that this would happen so I transferred funds into my account to insure my debit order would go throw.

Now in September the 25th falls on a Wednesday after a public holiday, Nedbank processes my debit order on the 21 September 2013, four days before my contract states. Thus meant my debit order bounced because Nedbank can't honor the contract we have.

Never mind the fact that I now have to pay extra bank fees, and they will keep trying to collect the money from my account till the funds are available. All of this I found out after I had to phone them to complain about the debit order happening four days earlier them my contract states.

This all means my good credit rating and record is affected by Nedbank that thinks they can do what they want when they want.


Company: Nedbank

Country: South Africa   City: Loan Centre

Category: Business & Finance


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