» Advertising » Complaint / review: Groupon SA - Refund refused | #222028

Groupon SA
Refund refused

I bought 2 vouchers for a spa in May for Mothers day. A notice was sent out in August advising that this particular spa had closed and is no longer operational.

I requested a refund on 23.10.2013. I am now only being offered Groupon credits to the value of the vouchers.

I do not want Groupon credits and have been refused a refund claiming that the purchase is too old and the only refund option is credits.

I find the service & attitude with regards to this query completely unsuitable for the industry.

I need this issue resolved and I want my refund in cash, as I paid cash for these!


Company: Groupon SA

Country: South Africa   City: Johannesburg

Category: Advertising


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