» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / review: Ackermans - No Feedback after a week! | #213556

No Feedback after a week!

First of all, they send through all this mail, sms's and e-mails at you to apply for an account, but if you try to apply eventually, they don't even bother!! It's been a week now since I have applied as I was told I am a "pre-approved" costumer. Everyday I fax my application forms to them, every day I call to find out if they received my application, everyday I get told to send it to another email address or fax number. They just never receive it after I have faxed it to 3 different fax numbers and a email address.. So I don't actually know what to complain about, the fact that they are harassing me with their mail, sms's etc. or the fact that they are just not worrying or doing something to help me with the application! If the service is so hot now, how will it be when you eventually have a account...


Company: Ackermans

Country: South Africa   City: Accounts

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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